How to use Microsoft Teams online

How to use Microsoft Teams online

Our step-aside-step guide demonstrates how to use Microsoft Teams online

Teams on a Surface Studio

(Image: © Microsoft)

Microsoft Teams is among a number of video conferencing tools that feature exploded in popularity ended the last 18 months. The Covid-19 pandemic has seen schools, businesses, and families depend on the software, which would previously have been viewed solely as a collaboration tool or a productiveness enhancer, just to stay in touch.

Much just a method of engaging in video calls, still, Teams has a multitude of features for individuals to enjoy. These let in channel-based working, customizable alerts, audio conferencing, screen-sharing, and much more.

What's more, to stay on competitive with the likes of Google Meet and Rapid growth Microsoft has continuously updated Teams in the past twelvemonth or so, adding features ilk locked meetings, automatic recordings, and AI-hopped-up live written text. The updates appear to have paid off, with Teams well-nig doubling its user numbers between April 2020 and the same time this class, reaching 145 1000000 users.

Although many individuals will likely access Teams through its desktop covering (or perhaps the smartphone app), the all but accessible way of using the weapons platform is through your web web browser. If you're not a particularly experienced Teams user - or you're migrating from one of the other video conferencing tools - this guide on will tell apar you everything you need to hump about how to use Microsoft Teams online.

Tone One: Visit the Teams World Wide Web address

Microsoft Teams web client

(Image accredit: Microsoft)

When exploitation Microsoft Teams online, the opening involves visiting the word-perfect World Wide Web come up to. Load up your browser and navigate your way to the following link: As an alternative, you could enter something like "Microsoft Teams online" into your explore engine of choice. Fortuitously, Teams is supported crossways a change of entanglement browsers.

Step Two: Sign rising Oregon check in

Microsoft Teams Web Sign-in

(Image course credit: Microsoft)

Once you've reached the Microsoft Teams web client, you'll be asked to enter your Teams credentials. If this is your primary time using the package, you may need to signboard up first. Ready to do sol, you'll need to create a Microsoft account (unless you already have unitary). And then just enter your Microsoft calculate name and password.

Maltreat Triad: Select your Teams environment

Microsoft Teams

(Pictur credit: Microsoft Teams)

It is sometimes forgotten that Microsoft Teams is recyclable for more than just office workers. As such, one of the first things Team users will exist asked is whether they will be exploitation the software "at a School, with Friends and Family line, or in a Business". Each environment slightly customizes Teams, although the underlying technology wish stay the same.

Step Four: Start a video chat

Microsoft Teams Room

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Perhaps the first affair that people think of when they are looking to download a video conferencing tool like Microsoft Teams is starting a video telephone.  Fortunately, this is straightforward when using the web app.

If users want to fire dormy a meeting immediately, they can simply dawn "Meet like a sho" in the top right corner of the online interface. They will then run the unplanned to come raised with a meeting name and take in a link that they posterior plowshare with other participants. It's then plainly a case of clicking "Start confluence" and you can begin engaging with teachers, colleagues, and friends remotely.

Of course, unless your other meeting participants are extremely limber, you probably won't often look to start a get together right away. Instead, it's more likely that you'll wish to agenda a new-sprung meeting. To get along this, click "New meeting," which will take you to a page that allows you to set your meeting inside information. Fill in things like the meeting tile, date, time, and, of course, the get hold of inside information of your other participants. They'll be sent an invitation, and then it's simply a case of waiting for the meeting to begin.

Step Five: Create your team

Microsoft Teams

(Image credit: Microsoft)

Unsurprisingly, one of the core features within Microsoft Teams is the creation of a "team." To create your team, navigate to the "Fall in surgery Make over a team" domain, which can constitute base at the bottom left of the app. If your byplay is already using Microsoft 365, it will Be easy to use the associated groups to create teams only, alternatively, you bathroom create one from cabbage.

When you've formed your squad, you pot choose to arrive public, private, or org-wide. You'll past be asked to name your team and give information technology a description. After your team is created, IT will come along on the Team list. From here, its members can represent reviewed, on with any recent activeness.

Step Hexa: Make over a channel

Microsoft Teams Channels

(Prototype credit: Microsoft)

Connatural to the creation of a team, users of Microsoft Teams online may too want to create a transport. Essentially, these are conversations that you have with your teammates, with each canalise being dedicated to a specific issue, department, or project.

Like a team up, a channel should have a title and description and, likewise,  you crapper set information technology as standard or private. In order to make a criterial channel, users must first of all visit the team up list. Come up the relevant team name and dawn "More options," followed by "Add channel". You can create up to 200 channels over the lifespan of a team, thereupon number including channels you create and later delete.

If you want to enter a conversation with a team member without sharing it with anyone else along the team, a private channel can be created instead. Entirely owners and members of the private channel can access IT, which makes it a great place to discuss sensitive topics like budgets, HR issues, etc. You can create up to 30 private channels concluded the life of a team.

Once your channel is created, you can add posts, load files, and interact with others in the team. This can be a great elbow room of keeping your engagements separate from your general team interactions, such as when starting a new, distinct project.

Footmark Seven: Turn happening notifications

Microsoft Teams Desktop Notifications

(Image credit: Microsoft)

There are certainly pros and cons to using Teams online. For instance, depending happening the browser you are exploitation, the web rendering offers restricted functionality when compared with the desktop and changeful apps. Notwithstandin, you are much less likely to encounter sign-in issues.

If you are worried about missing out on Teams interactions because you are victimization the web version, Be in for to turn around on notifications. These will appear in the tab where you are victimisation Teams, operating theatre some browsers will allow desktop apprisal as long as you have set to "allow" in your browser notification settings.

How to use Microsoft Teams online


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